Springfield Hospital redevelopment site to temporarily stop work due to the current Covid-19 pandemic

Since the start of the UK coronavirus (COVID 19) outbreak, the Springfield Village project team has worked to do all we can to keep people safe and the site running.

We had been making good progress on site with preparation of the groundwork for the new mental health facilities; building an access route for the new development by constructing a new road, and creating the infrastructure including three cranes on site. However, in line with our main contractor Sir Robert McAlpine’s statement below, the Springfield Hospital and infrastructure construction site will be paused from 26 March.

“Following the Government statement of 23rd March, we, like the rest of the UK, are adhering to government guidance and many of our sites and offices have made the same decision.”

SRM Statement

There will continue to be 24-hour security on the Springfield site including CCTV coverage and regular safety checks will be carried out in line with Government guidance on social distancing.

We will carefully monitor the situation over the coming weeks and keep in touch with our partners and the wider community.

Please take care at this difficult time.

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