Weekend works in July

Saturday 25th July - 8am - 1pm (consented working hours)

SRM will be undertaking regular construction work on both the Forensic and Non-Forensic Buildings on Saturday 18th within the consented working hours of 8am to 1pm. In addition, demolition works are planned for the Energy Centre (located in between the Forensic and Non-Forensic buildings) which will include saw cutting.

Saturday 18th July - 8am - 1pm (consented working hours)

SRM will be undertaking regular construction work on both the Forensic and Non-Forensic Buildings on Saturday 18th within the consented working hours of 8am to 1pm. In addition, demolition works are planned for the Energy Centre (located in between the Forensic and Non-Forensic buildings) which will include saw cutting.

Saturday 11th July and Sunday 12th July (SGN works)

Please be advised SGN are due to undertake essential works this weekend between the hours of 8am to 6pm on Saturday (11th July) and 9am to 5pm on Sunday (12th July). These works will include the excavation and capping off of a redundant gas pipeline in two locations on the Springfield Hospital Project. Some noise may be audible due to saw cutting and the use of breakers, but only expected to be intermittent.

Please note the timing and dates of these works have been directed by SGN. SRM are only providing access to the site.

SGN Gas Works.jpg

Saturday 4th July - 8am to 1pm (normal working hours)

Minor crane maintenance on TC3 on Saturday between the normal working hours of 8am - 1pm. These works are minor and not expected to generate much noise.

Lisa Baker